Machinery Lubrication II (ML II) covers advanced lubrication topics and provides the tools to make comprehensive improvements in the workplace that save big on time, money, storage space and training resources. ML II is aligned with the body of knowledge of the International Council for Machinery Lubrication's MLT II certification.
What You’ll Learn
- Troubleshooting lubrication problems
- Lubrication and Oil Analysis Metrics
- Base oils, Viscosity index and Lubricant Consolidation
- Thermal Stability
- Air and Foam
- Lubricant degradation
- And more!
What You Get When You Attend
- Pre and Post Assessment Tests
- Lubrication Institute Completion Certificate
- Study Material
When you leave these courses, you’ll consider the course manual an indispensable on-the-job reference for years to come.
This course is designed to help you prepare for the MLT II certification exam conducted by ICML. Each participant can choose to apply for the exam for an additional fee.